FANDEMIC: Firmware Attack Construction and Deployment on Power Management ICs and Impacts on IoT Applications

Ryan Tsang, Doreen Joseph, Asmita, Soheil Salehi, Nadir Carreon, Prasant Mohapatra, Houman Homayoun

NDSS Symposium 2022


  title        = {{{FANDEMIC}}: {{Firmware Attack Construction}} and {{Deployment}} on {{Power Management Integrated Circuit}} and {{Impacts}} on {{IoT Applications}}},
  shorttitle   = {{{Fandemic}}},
  author       = {Tsang, Ryan and Joseph, Doreen and {Asmita} and Salehi, Soheil and Carreon, Nadir and Mohapatra, Prasant and Homayoun, Houman},
  year         = 2022,
  booktitle    = {Proceedings 2022 {{Network}} and {{Distributed System Security Symposium}}},
  publisher    = {Internet Society},
  address      = {San Diego, CA, USA},
  doi          = {10.14722/ndss.2022.24349},
  isbn         = {978-1-891562-74-7},
  url          = {},